The Aligned for Life team balances expert advice with a true appreciation for the diverse challenges of individual clients at all stages of development. 

Photography courtesy of our wonderful patients.



The Aligned for Life team specializes in creating unique chiropractic solutions through a fresh, holistic approach to health and wellness for families of all shapes and sizes. 


At Aligned for Life Chiropractic, owner and proprietor, Dr. Jamie Engel believes in the longterm value behind spinal correction and hygiene for better health over a lifetime. 


The Aligned for Life team puts your comfort level first. Whether you are a new or longstanding patient, you will experience an always-positive, welcoming and open-minded office. 

Treat yourself to a lifestyle adjustment.


The Aligned for Life team works with a full spectrum of clients. From newborn babies, grandparents and pregnant women to everyone in between, Aligned for Life Chiropractic is your one-stop-shop for preventative and sustainable spinal and postural care. Never had chiropractic care? Treat yourself to a lifestyle adjustment that will change the way you experience your world. 



Give your body a fighting chance. 


Just like your teeth, or any other part of your body, maintenance of your spine and nervous system is extremely important for the health of your entire body. Due to our computer-centric lifestyles and toxic environment, subluxations will happen throughout your life. That is why it is important to take care of your spine for your lifetime especially after the correction process.

